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Up one level Top index page » Travel » Korea & Japan Feb March 2004 » Funny Signs
Funny Signs
The misuse of English in Korea and Japan was, as expected, truely superb. I've never seen English abused in such a comical and consistant manner. At first one had the urge to photograph every single amusing notice, but after a while it became apparent that there would have been hundreds of such photographs. After a while one just stops noticing... For more examples be sure to visit www.engrish.com.

 I'd love to know what this cow is saying...  They even named a fashion label after Lynn.  Surely this is an appealing fashion label...  I think it means no responsibility taken for lost or damaged items  Smoking on the street in not considered socialably acceptable due to the possibility of litter and disturbance to others  A series of subway advertisements regarding smoking in public.  A series of subway advertisements regarding smoking in public.  A series of subway advertisements regarding smoking in public.  One can only ponder what 'Moss the Interupter' might mean...  Caption reads 'Very Important Moss - like VIP'  A series of subway advertisements regarding smoking in public.

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